How I Can Help You

I want to help you…

Plan your projects, identify what needs to be done now, and then align that work with your overall vision.

I want to help you…

Communicate both your long-term vision and your short-term projects with beauty and storytelling.


I’m a project management enthusiast

After managing projects for over a decade, I began embracing project management software in 2011. I have since become an enthusiast for the Basecamp app, and was even featured on the company’s internal blog after showing them how I use their app.

I’ve managed projects in the following areas:

  • music recordings
  • video productions
  • web and design projects
  • book productions

As of today, I have 356 projects archived on Basecamp.

My project management enthusiasm led me to start a productivity podcast called “Optimized & Primed”. You can listen to an episode on project management here:

I’m a writer

I began writing regularly about two years ago, with the intent of sharing what I know with who I know. Today I have a blog dedicated to helping people in the areas of leadership and productivity:

If you are trying to decide among a few people to fill a position hire the best writer… Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. – Jason Fried, Rework

(Even if I’m not your guy, I had to share that quote. ?)

I’m a designer

Beauty and storytelling are essential components of leadership. I help clients in this area by providing them branding, web development, and content management services. You can view my portfolio here:

Thanks for reading, and feel free to get in touch by email:

By telephone: ++972 54 203 6034

By Skype (email ahead of time): adamleerosenfeld

And on social media:

Click to continue to my full resume.

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